As the son of a powerlifter, bodybuilder, and personal trainer, I’ve spent my entire life around the fitness world. In fact, I probably spent more time hanging around the gym as a child than most. While eating all of the junk foods every kid loves, I would joke with my dad about all of the chicken and tuna in his diet and the endless hours he spent sculpting his body to perfection. I suppose I always considered “working out” to be something that was more about vanity and competition than health and well-being. Perhaps back then it was. Somewhere along the line, everything changed. First, I discovered that I loved to exercise. Even without considering all of the cosmetic, physical, and medical benefits, the stress-relief alone was enough to get me hooked.
When I turned sixteen, I expressed an interest in learning my father’s profession. I followed my dad around the gym for a summer, watching and learning. I hit the books (and the gym), got certified as a fitness trainer, and by the next summer I had four clients of my own.
For the next eight years, I came back every summer from school to train, growing each year both as a trainer and as a person. Just like my father, I have come to embrace fitness not only as a way to look and feel great but also as a lifestyle that has as much to do with the mind as it does the body. After becoming grossly (but not regretfully) over-educated, I realized that I will never be as happy as when I am playing a part in making someone look, feel, and BE a better person!
For the past twenty four years, I've developed training and professional philosophies that work hand-in-hand to give all clients the attention they deserve and the expert training they demand. Whatever your goal, I can help you make some immediate changes in your life!
$80 - 2 ON 1
60-Minute Sessions
$65 - 1 ON 1
30-Minute Sessions
$60 - 2 ON 1
$45 - 1 ON 1

Bachelor of Arts | Duke University
College of Law | University of Florida
Certified Personal Trainer | National International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
Certified Personal Trainer | National Health Club Association
Level 1 Certification | YogaFit
Bachelor of Arts
Duke University
College of Law
University of Florida
Certified Personal Trainer
National International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
Certified Personal Trainer
National Health Club Association
Level 1 Certification

Short-term goals are essential, but my focus is always on your long-term success.
I aim to treat every client like a brand new client. Since I don't sell huge packages of sessions, I am focused far more on your experience than the "hard sell." The only thing I sell is my professional guidance. I am committed to you and your goals...long-term. I do NOT practice exercise fads or gimmicky training styles.
I am obsessively committed to safety in my training sessions. If you get hurt while training, we've failed because your fitness goals will suffer. My safety history is a point of personal pride, so I don't ignore signs of discomfort just because it's easier not to find a more suitable exercise.
I am similarly obsessed with training with perfect form. If you can't perform an exercise perfectly and without undue discomfort, we'll adjust the weight and continue to learn the proper form, or we'll find a suitable replacement for that movement. Sloppy training is not only lazy training, but it's also ineffective, and wholly unacceptable when assisted by a professional.
Whatever your fitness goals, we will not train certain body parts to the exclusion of others, nor allow our training to lead to posture disorders or repetitive stress injuries.
You can expect our training to improve your physical strength, endurance, energy levels, balance, posture, flexibility, and a host of health and wellness factors.